Sunday, December 16, 2012

Working with Spreadsheets

  • To get familiar with electronic spreadsheets by using them in some simple applications.

  • Computer with EXCEL software

  • Turn on the computer and load the Microsoft Excel software by clicking on Start, move the mouse over Programs them move the mouse over Microsoft Excel and then left click.
  • Create a simple spreadsheet that calculates the values of the following function: f(x) = A sin(Bx + C). Initially choose values for of A = 5, B = 3 and C = π/3. Place these values at the right side of the spreadsheet in the region reserved for constants. Put the words amplitude, frequency, and phase next to each as an explanation for the meaning of each constant. Place column headings for "x" and "f(x)" near the middle of the spreadsheet, enter a zero in the cell below "x", and enter the formula shown above in the cell below "f(x)". Be sure to put an equal sign in front of the formula. Create a column for values of x that run from zero to 10 radians in steps of 0.1 radians. Use the copy feature to create these x values. Similarly, create in the next column the corresponding values of f(x) by copying the formula shown above down through the same number of rows.
  • Once the generated data looks reasonable, copy this data onto the clipboard by highlighting the contents of the two columns and choosing edit, then copy, from the menu bar. Print out a copy of the spreadsheet and also print out the spreadsheet formulas. Be sure that your rows and columns are numbered and lettered.
  • Minimize the spreadsheet window and run the Graphical Analysis program by opening the PhysicsApps icon and then double-click the Graphical Analysis icon. Once the program loads, click on the top of the x column and choose edit, paste, to place the data from the clipboard into the graphing program. A graph of the data should appear in the graph window. Put appropriate labels on the axes of the graph.
  • Highlight the portion of the graph for analysis and choose analyze and curve fit from the menu bar to direct the computer to find a function that best fits the data. From the list of possible functions, give the computer a hint as to what type of function you expect your data to match. The computer should display a value for A, B, and C that fit the sine curve that you are plotting. Make a copy of the data and graph by selecting file, then print.
  • Repeat the above process for a spreadsheet that calculates the position of a freely falling particle as a function of time. This time your constants should include the acceleration of gravity, the initial velocity, initial position, and the time increment. Start off with g = 9.8m/s^2, v0 = 50 m/s, x0 =1000 m and Δt = 0.2 s. Print out the spreadsheet. Copy the data into the Graphical Analysis program and obtain a graph of position vs time. Fit this data to a function (y = A + Bx + Cx^2) which closely matches the data. Interpret the values of A, B, and C. Get a printout of this graph with the data table.

The point of this experiment was to implement our knowledge of physics by predicting a trend based off of given data and then graphing the data to observe the resulting curve. Analysis was indicative of a parabolic shape that was based on a position vs time graph and then by evaluating derivatives, the velocity and acceleration could be observed accurately.

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